Tag 'remote working'

Turning Your Office-Based Business Into A Stellar Remote Working Company

Posted 4th of January 2022 by Idea Girl Media

Turning Your Office-Based Business Into A Stellar Remote Working Company explained at Idea Girl Media

Had your employees asked to work remotely from home — even before the global pandemic? Do the cost advantages have you considering being one of the companies working from home permanently? Here are five steps to becoming a remote working company…

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Eleven Mobile Business Ideas That Move You In A Profitable Direction

Posted 4th of January 2022 by Idea Girl Media

Eleven Mobile Business Ideas That Move You In A Profitable Direction listed and explained at Idea Girl Media

Looking for new challenge that offers many possibilities for the budding entrepreneur? Have you researched trending mobile business? This article will prove to you there is no shortage of mobile business ideas and eleven ways to capitalize on your own talents…

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The Ultimate Business Trip Checklist For Success

Posted 31st of December 2021 by Idea Girl Media

The Ultimate Business Trip Checklist For Success outlined at Idea Girl Media

Heading away on business for the first time … or first time in a long while? It is a good idea to keep a checklist of things to do and purchase before leaving to be efficient with time and resources. Not just a packing list, this business trip checklist is ideal for any remote worker…

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