Tag 'work environment'

Three Tips For Streamlining Your Workflow

Posted 2nd of November 2021 by Idea Girl Media

3 Tips For Streamlining Your Workflow outlined at Idea Girl Media

Every professional is looking for the most productive and cost-effective way to get things done. Sometimes discussion revolves around process vs. workflow. The main idea is to find a method that works for you, to be your most efficient. Here are three tips to maximize your performance – On the job and in your personal life.

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Four Client Types You’ll Encounter as a Freelancer

Posted 25th of May 2021 by Idea Girl Media

Get to know these four client types and how to deal with the likes of them at Ideal Girl Media

In every client-freelancer relationship, there is one party that eventually gets difficult to deal with along the way. And yes, it can be the client. Find out more about these client types and learn how to interact and solve their issues once they arise…

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