When the news of Google+ was released, like many of you, I was thinking...
Do I really need another social network?
I mean, there are the biggies like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Foursquare, Quora, Empire Avenue, Tumblr, Flickr, Yelp, and YouTube. Others too.
Not to mention my blog and related social activities!
Battle Of The Social Networks
We were also hearing about scandalous battles between Facebook and Google -- Which one might wipe out the other, and if other social networks could really survive along with the new, exciting Google+.
Google offered a tool to input your Facebook friends into their "circles" platform, but Facebook quickly blocked it.
Facebook news feeds and Twitter streams went on and on about something that seemed like this:
Hmmmm.... All that excitement, really!?
While others were scrambling for invitations to the elite BETA platform, I tried too, but other things kept me from rushing there.
Numbers Don't Lie
Now, lets consider the number 10 million users:
- Facebook - 852 days (2.33 years).
- Twitter - 780 days (2.14 years).
- Google+ - 16 days.
Yep - DAYS.
Where it took the others years, it took Google+ days to reach such a gargantuan number of users.
My Google+ Experience
So, I hopped on. I got "plussed."
Initially, I didn't see the big thrill. Didn't spend much time.
My Google+ profile looked a lot like my Facebook profile. The Home feed was even quite similar, but instead of having a "like" button, Google+ offered me the +1 button.
Ahhhaaaaa - just like on a web page!
I began checking in a bit more often, and started to like a few other features:
- Circles - A genius way to group my contacts.
- Sparks - Juicy stories and nifty information to share with my circles.
- Hangouts - Video conversation with up to 10 of my friends.
- Huddles - Designed for small groups of people to communicate.
- Chat - Now by invitation; voice and video.
- Photos - Yes, here too.
Going In Circles
I circled others and they "circled" me. (A good thing)
Above to the right, you can see an example of three of my circles and how they appear on the Circles dashboard. In another area, you can view "mini Vcards" for all people in your circles. It's quite cool!
You can use as many circles as you like, and include people in several circles.
You can also re-name and re-arrange at will. Start another circle and name it anything you like at any time!
Supposedly, Google+ users can have up to 5000 total in their circles, but it has been heard of that a few individuals have exceeded that limit.
The Long And Short Of It
It took some getting used to. But if you can maneuver Facebook's constant changes and unclear updates, then you can navigate Google+!
Here's an updated image of my Google+ Profile:
You'll notice the web address (URL) for my Google+ profile is long, and includes a lot of numbers (noted with a purple arrow, above).
Many people find that hard to remember, so they get a shortened URL like the one typed in purple at the upper right of my profile.
Find out about shortening yours here.
Also notice that you can use the +1 button within comments, tag people by name, and choose what to view in the bar below the photo banner.
The photo banner can be made up of whatever image or images you choose!
Pretty sweet, eh?
It's genius how other Google products and options are integrated into Google+!
Good Question!
Enthusiastically, I've even invited others into Google+. I tweet about it on Twitter.
From a follower, I received the question:
"Is it time for My Small Business to jump on Google +?"
The correct response seems to be:
"Yes....and no."
Business accounts are still in development. But Google is shifting that effort into high gear, and asks that we hold off on creating business profiles.
So, what are small business owners, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs to do?
Find a friend that can get you an invite onto the newest social network, still in BETA.
- Get acquainted with the platform.
- Optimize your profile and it's components.
- Gradually learn how to use the various tools.
- Expand your contact circles.
- Connect your Google+ to your other social profiles.
Plus, Plus, Plus
News just in:
You can now start a Hangout right from YouTube!
So...small business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and even non-profits...
Google+: Yes, you do need another social network!
Want an invite?
Post a comment below with how we can connect via email, and I'll make sure you get one!
Want a groovy photo banner like mine?
Go here: http://gpluspic.com/banner
Now it's your turn...
Are you on Google+?
What questions do you have?
32 Replies
that is a very impressive post, I hope next time we get much better. Thank you
Hi Keri Jaehnig, Thanks for providing a such good post and really like to read this wonderful article. I’ve been using Google+ for weeks now and I enjoy it. It fills the void for people who want longer conversations than Twitter and don’t want to share everything with their old friends and family. My Circles tend to be all about business. This article is very helpful to me..
Reading in 2020, yep the idea falls back badly…
G Plus is a winner and one thing I have found to very beneficial which you didn’t mention is how my picture shows up next to my content listings within google’s search results because of my G Plus authorship tags which increases my click thru rate 😉
Keri my awesome friend, yes we do need another social network so we can talk to each other all day long : ) I love the hangout feature, that is the main reason I use Google + and I was hanging out with myself the other day just for fun, I didn’t even invite anyone lol
I’m getting the feeling that Google+ is playing an important role in the realm of social media too, Keri! I haven’t used it much, but it makes a huge difference that it’s notifications show up at the top of my Gmail and Google Calendar accounts. Since I always have those windows open, I’m always conscious of what’s happening on Google+. I’m so excited to see how the business pages will pan out and how it’ll develop. Those stats on how many people jumped on board within 16 days are impressive! Maybe this is truly the platform to beat. =)
@SamanthaBangayan:disqus , Interesting to hear your perspective. My mail/calendar accounts are not connected to the Google account where I am located on G+. I bet it would be HUGELY convenient….and at that rate, I’d think I would be there even more frequently. We’re bound to see more developments coming soon. Once Business accounts are released, I think we’re in for a ride! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Samantha! ~Keri
Love this article Keri – thanks for posting. I set up my profile on Google+ some time ago, however to be hones have not really been back to explore it fully. Your post has inspired me to schedule some time to do so.
@AnnemarieCross:disqus , It took me a little while to get everything together, and then put it in my mix to “make it back.” I really like the way information is shared and how communication can work on Google+. Let me know if there is a way I can help, and I will look for you! 🙂 ~Keri
Keri, I love Google+ 🙂 The Circles is such a natural way to organize my friends.I am just getting into the other features.Peter
@pfuller:disqus , I like the circles too – Even re-organized them from my original set up. The other features…I think it takes a one-step-at-a-time approach. Google seems to be honing as they go too. Let me know if you ever want to “Hang Out!” 🙂 ~Keri
I wouldn’t mind an invite. I’d been holding off, but your article makes sense. I may as well at least check it out in case it does become a good place for small business owners. Thanks for the info!
Natalia, Thank you for stopping by, reading, and for sharing your thoughts. Glad you found some logic above… 😉 I’ll get you an invite to your email address (with respect). Note: The email address you use with Google+ will need to be linked with a Google account (which could be your current email. If you don’t have a Gmail address and want one, this would be perfect timing. Looking forward to seeing you in the circles, ~Keri
Great article, Keri. I’ve been using Google+ for weeks now and I enjoy it. It fills the void for people who want longer conversations than Twitter and don’t want to share everything with their old friends and family. My Circles tend to be all about business.
@twitter-334090417:disqus , Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Google+ does offer a few options – benefits – that other networks do not offer. Longer comments & pathways to conversation. You can almost do a mini-blog post if you want. My circles seem to be “business-y.” I wonder if that will continue once they release Business Accounts. What do you think? ~Keri
I agree. We all need Google+. It’s too big (and will get bigger) to ignore. But I have found myself coming to a point. A point where I feel like I can’t accept yet another, one more, social network. I accepted Foursquare and Google+ recently – but I think I’m at my boiling point. My max retention. We’ll see. If it’s just really, really awesome – I might break down and join yet another. I’m weak. 😉
@smartboydesigns:disqus , Be strong, be strong — you’re part of the circle…hahahaha!! 😀 I think we’re all at a boiling point. There are only so many hours in the day, and so many things we can fit into those hours. I find myself running breathless to get there when anyone else is. But…Google is connected to sooo many things. I think we’ll find Hootsuite and others put G+ on their networks to schedule to. Can you see that *not* happening? If another social network forms, and it looks like we need to get there, lets sponsor each other for the support group – deal?? 😉 ~Keri
Yes.. i see the value that Google brings to the table.. esp since its connected to all my other google products, but at the end of day… I NEED MORE TIME!!! I think people are going to pick their fav and stick to it. There can’t be enough time in the day to keep up with it all. Thanx for the shortening and banner pic links!!
@LaurindaShaver:disqus , You touch on one thing: Time. There isn’t enough of it. Even when we do take advantage of all the groovy tools! I’d think it won’t be long before Hootsuite or another picks G+ up for automating. Please cicle me or plus me — your choice — when you do your banner. I’m curious to see what you create! 🙂 You’re absolutely welcome – thanks for stopping by! ~Keri
It took Google+ that quickly because Facebook and Twitter existed… if Google + was the first social media platform, it never would have reached 10M users that fast.
@twitter-69374933:disqus I do agree with you. Twitter accomplished their success at a shorter interval than Facebook – Someone has to blaze the trail. At the same time, I do believe that such few days is something remarkable. We can’t deny that it has to do with how deeply Google is entrenched in all things Internet as a whole. Numbers on global reach have been amazing! Are you on Google+? ~Keri
Perfectly written Keri! I’m a big believer in G+, I’m so curious how they will solve the company pages. I have been working with clients company pages & places on Facebook during the summer and honestly I think this is the part where Google+ can hurt Facebook badly.Google+ also have tons of experience in the field with Adwords etc. What do you think Keri? Big cheer for your link love! 🙂
@MattGron:disqus , I wish I was more savvy with AdWords to give good comment on how that will all work. Facebook Ads offer such good value and amazing ability to drill down in demographics! Google+ is the child of all things Internet, and once Company Pages are released it will be hard for people not to hang out there….as they are in Facebook right now. Experts had said a year ago that Facebook will trend to organization “hubs” where they can offer email/messaging and group communication. I see them filling this niche in a way that blends age groups together. Google will see the more techy orgs latch on, IMHO. But…lets see how it pans out! 🙂 ~Keri
Keri, aloha. Great job on Google+ You definitely have embraced it. The longer I use it, the more I can see its potential. While I feel at this point it is the “early adapters,” techies and social media types who are using it the most, already I am start to seeing a few “regular” folks migrate to it. it’s new! It’s in! It’s trendy! Plus, no pun intended, because its Google and so many tools are integrated, people feel much more comfortable about joining. People have to find the balance among the various social platforms depending on their target markets. Keri, I believe we are already circled. Off to +1 this great article. Wishing you a magnifcient week ahead. Until later, aloha. Janet P.S. So enjoy having you in the chats with me. You learn so much and make so many great connections.
@twitter-45938040:disqus , You’ve nailed it – Right now, Google+ is mainly populated by tech geeks, social media types, and people who are motivated by “being there first.” The nice thing about that is… Easier to make some new connections and become more familiar with thought leaders (and they with you). Glad you enjoyed the Hitler clip. It just made me giggle so, and was pretty depict of what we were hearing in the Twitter stream! 🙂 Yes, I believe we are circled. So happy to be connected with you, Janet! 🙂 ~Keri P.S. Thanks for the +1!!! 😀
P.S. Great Hitler clip.
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