Blog Category Reviews

The place where you’ll find Idea Girl Media’s view on a variety of products – from gadgets, e-courses, books through to the tools that will help small businesses make the most of their marketing efforts and business processes.

Posts in category 'Reviews'

Is Dolly Parton’s DreamMore Resort Conducive To A Mobile Lifestyle?

Posted 4th of December 2021 by Keri Jaehnig

Is Dolly Parton's DreamMore Resort Conducive To A Mobile Lifestyle? Keri Jaehnig at Idea Girl Media answers that question for you!

More and more people are drawn to the mobile lifestyle. Especially entrepreneurs, already living a laptop lifestyle. Working from their laptops, so they can work from anywhere! In turn, an increasing number of hotels are catering to the mobile lifestyle of people. You can decide if Dolly Parton’s DreamMore Resort is one of them…

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The Content Planner: Your Content Strategy Guide

Posted 15th of March 2017 by Keri Jaehnig

Keri Jaehnig at Idea Girl Media reviews The Content Planner: Your Content Strategy Guide, a book by Angela Crocker

Do you publish content online, and looking for the best way to organize and share it? Then The Content Planner by Angela Crocker is your go-to resource.  Here is a personal, honest review of the book and it’s tips & tricks…

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