What's the value of personally connecting on social media?
I hope you've had the exciting experience of walking away from an introduction thinking, "I'm so glad I met that person!"
It has been my distinct privilege to meet and collaborate with Christian Hollingsworth of Smart Boy Designs...
An Incredible Introduction
We first became acquainted through Triberr. There, we had mutual friends, and Christian and I are now both part of a small handful of groups of like minded individuals sharing interests centered on social media, internet marketing, and business leadership.
Initially I was amazed that this young guy had such an established online network. He is only 20 and has more tan 66,000 Twitter followers!
Visiting his blog, I instantly noticed multiple interactions for each post. So, I gladly joined in the conversation and also subscribed to comments for the post where I commented. Very soon my email box was flooded others' contributions.
WOW - What a thriving online community Christian has created!
A short list of some of his other accomplishments:
- Valedictorian of his high school class.
- Several leadership awards.
- Eagle Scout.
- Responsible for events with more than 20,000 participants.
Christian Hollingsworth Knows His Stuff
At Smart Boy Designs, his tagline is, "Make money online while changing lives."
His audience is entrepreneurs, solopreneurs -- small business owners.
Christian walks the talk!
Having already owned and operated one of the world's largest dog sporting magazines and online shopping carts, he teaches others how to make the most of their wishes and talents at his website.
It's no wonder I'm talking about the VP of Social Media for RTO Investors, Seven Seas Industries & Long Ravine Resorts.
Through his blog posts, and conversation, Christian has taught me a thing or two!!
Socially Engaging
Wherever I see Christian online, others regard him well and invite him to take on key roles.
So, I invited him to "guest-star" on my Facebook Page just last week...
My purpose was to bring Christian some new attention, a new audience. He jumped right in and went after getting to know everyone personally. His positive nature and desire to know everyone for who they are is just contagious.
I believe these two attributes are Christian's personal asset, and the reason his social networks are so strong!
Interestingly enough, I might have gotten more from the interaction than he did - Christian brought with him over 100 new fans to my page, and some that were already fans made their presence known with a comment or a like for the first time. :)
Christian Hollingsworth: Small Business Influencer
Christian is a leader in the competition for the 2011 Small Business Influencer award.
Achieving this would be a remarkable and well-deserved accomplishment for Christian. He has certainly added value to my online environment, and positively influenced many small businesses to succeed.
Christian needs your help...
I sincerely recommend that you vote for Christian, and share with your friends so that this fabulous young gentleman will win by a landslide!
The competition ends within 24 hours of when you will read this, so please do promptly click below and share:
Learn more about Christian Hollingsworth and see his Small Business Influencer page here.
Thank you in advance for your prompt and enthusiastic support!! :)
17 Replies
thanks for the information
Christian has built a vibrant online community, and I now try to check his site every day since it is so motivating. Thank you, Keri!
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Yes, @osakasaul:disqus , I believe we met via Triberr. We may also share groups on LinkedIn. If we’re not connected, we mend that bridge. 🙂
What a great feature, Keri! =) I met Christian through blogging friends and have really valued our friendship! I so hope that all our voting helped him top the charts!
Samantha, I too hope our working together gave Christian the edge he needed. We’ll find out soon. Christian brings with him many gifts — So happy he’s in our group! ~Keri
Keri, so nice you wrote that post! I agree that we should spread the good word !
Klaudia, We should. And you are so conscientious about this. Many could learn from you!! Thank you for your heartfelt community stewardship… ~Keri
Thank you for this grand opportunity Keri! I had so much fun with you on your page last week. What a terrific idea. Excited for all the ideas and adventures that will keep expanding between us!
Christian, Thanks again for your willingness! I can only hope that this post made a difference and will help you win your competition. Folks on the fan page had fun…I’ll surely volley fan energy back in return!! We seem to collaborate well, and I look forward to the future and possibilities to continue expanding, as you mention. Thank you and good luck!! ~Keri
I sure plan on collaborating further! I’m going to get to work on that Facebook tip post, and let you know when it goes live and attributed to you.
Christian, I would be enthused with future collaboration! Facebook tips are to be shared — Hopefully they work for you. I’ll be curious to hear how things turn out. 🙂 ~Keri
Christian has really created a thriving online community and I try to visit his blog every day now because it is so inspiring. Thanks Keri!
@MattGron:disqus , I’m sure @smartboydesigns:disqus , would be glad to know this. It makes me smile that I may have helped build a bridge here. 🙂 Christian has done quite a job building his online community!! ~Keri
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