Seriously there is no hiding from spam! It doesn't matter what social media platform you're on or which email service you use. There is just no getting away from it. Now we're getting spammed via Facebook direct messages for pages we need a strategy to deal with it. Here's what you need to do.
[caption id="attachment_2783" align="alignright" width="300"] image credit: mcfcrandall[/caption]
Has Your Brand Been Spammed With Direct Messages On Facebook?
So, you're a Facebook Page owner, and you're getting used to this new Timeline - Even starting to like it. You are becoming familiar with the functions, finding the ways you like to navigate, and even having fun interacting with your fans. You like your fans!
From out of no where...
You've Got Mail
You knew the box was there.
You knew this was possible.
In fact, as a Facebook Page owner, you have been hoping that you would receive business inquiries, and questions enabling you to offer your expertise.
But what you receive reads something like this:
"GREETINGS from Dreamy Travel Location and from Very pleased to discover your great page and like it. Best wishes for huge success. Please feel free to visit Lovely Fantasy Vacation Lodging Page, you will enjoy it and your like will be most welcome! Thank you."
Not the message you were hoping for, was it? In fact, you feel a little bit........... SPAMMED!
Pushing Personal
And rightfully so.
That's not why the new Message feature was created.
It was created to give fans and customers a path to more personalized experiences interacting with brands on Facebook. It was meant for:
- Questions and answers about products.
- Sharing details relative to the brand.
- Thank yous.
- Collaborating with other brand leaders.
The Message button was not meant for "knock-knock split"-type like-my-page requests.
Personal Preference
As a Page Owner or Facebook Page admin, you have some choices:
- Ignore those message.
- Delete the message.
- Report the message.
- Warn all of your friends of the spammy offender.
- Respond with objective words encouraging the author to refrain from future like updates, but invite truly engaging interactions.
It's your choice, depending on the type of result you prefer.
One note: Facebook is often not so responsive to reports, but has been known to revoke Facebook access to those with frequent reports. Objectively, it's a roulette-wheel outcome.
Messages - To Enable Or Not To Enable
The entire purpose of utilizing a social network like Facebook is to keep your brand top of mind and create a community for people that like your brand. Also, to build that fan base, and nurture future customer relationships.
If that is your interest, then it is probably a good idea to enable the direct message function.
Your Facebook strategy may not have included accepting direct messages from Facebook fans, as this is a new feature released with the Timeline for brand pages. You can consider disabling the direct message function if:
- You are in the process of setting up the page.
- Your strategy is not yet defined.
- You do not plan to monitor the page regularly.
Optimally, you are open to contact with your fans.
Here is a visual of where to find the option to engage or disable the direct message function:
[caption id="attachment_2786" align="aligncenter" width="561"] The "Manage Permissions" screen under "Edit Page"[/caption]
Changing the social landscape on your page is as easy as a mouse click. You just need to decide how open your brand will be! :)
But most importantly, Facebook Page Admins and owners should be aware of the true intention with the direct message channel of communication, and refrain from spammy page promotion messages.
Have you gotten Facebook direct messages similar to the one above?
What did you do about it?
Tell me your thoughts about direct messages for brand pages on Facebook below...
35 Replies
wow thanks for this post. social media are really becoming something else these days, and its good to know it in case you will need it in the future. thanks again for sharing this.
This happened to me today. Well, it’s happened many times before but I usually just delete them. I run a page that is specifically about Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop presets and actions. I got a sales pitch by private message about candles. This time I politely asked her to please stop spamming me. She was absolutely stunned that I would even consider it spamming. I replied back that it was the same thing as sending unwanted email, so it was therefore spamming. She then told me all about how much I had annoyed her and “please stop messaging me” after my two replies! As if I was harassing her or something. I thing I will just start reporting and blocking rather than get into snits with people over it again.
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Wow, even spammers have reached facebook already? Thanks for sharing how to off the messaging function, been looking for that for ages already
Thank you for the article. No one likes to be spammed on any channel so I would agree, the new mail feature for Facebook is no different. I have received them as well. Thank you for taking the time to show us how to deal with such a nuisance. Great Job.
Hello, thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.. Glad I found this tips that you shared and it is extremely helpful for me.
Ughhh.. those annoying spams…
This is a very important matter to us and I hope you can post more of this.. Thank you!
Thanks Keri, you’re the first person I’ve seen talk about this. I do have messages turned on, and I think as a small online business owner I should. It’s good to be transparent and open, and messages foster both I think. I was thrilled to see that I finally got a message a few weeks back, only to find that it was from a women telling a story about needing money to get home to her country or some weird stuff like that. Super spam! Oh well, it hasn’t been a huge problem for me. My next message was from someone REAL!
Hi, I am enjoying the brand page messaging. I may change my mind in the future and enable this feature. Thank you.
This is very interesting blog and for sure, we will be happy to read it. Thanks that you shared. I love this link up… Good thing you post such valuable information like this.So thanks!
For every social media advancement that helps business owners reach their audience and connect more easily there are ways inscrutable spammers are lurking and waiting to pounce on. I think we just have to take the bad with the good. On another note I love your vCita widget and I’m off to go check it out. I’ve been looking for something like this. Thanks Keri!
Hi Keri, Great post. People have been so bold, haven’t they? I had that one incident with not a PM but someone actually wrote on my wall, advertising their event and went so far as to “thanking me for sharing their ad with my friends”. WHAT?! Excuse me, but I didn’t. It amazes me how brands would take the risk and behave this way online….makes you wonder how they would treat you face-to-face. Thanks for sharing! Jocelyn
Keri, Hello! I am enjoying the brand page messaging. I have been waiting for this for a while now. Since some of my posts on my one brand pages can lead to comments that many people would prefer private, this feature has been useful. There has already been some spam, but I usually ignore most messages. But, there were two spam messages that I continued the conversation because I found value in what they were offering. Great article! I know some that are very annoyed with spamming and will find this useful…so will pass it on. 🙂
Keri, This is one of those small details easily overlooked (I know I did!) when setting up the page – thanks for pointing it out, showing the steps to deal with it and the strategy behind the steps. The last thing we need in this world is more spam – I reached my lifetime dosage limit two years ago! Rich
I didn’t know about this happening. Looks like one more place where we have to got to watch out for spammers.
Good instructions Keri, thanks for this.
Hi Keri, I haven’t had this happen to me yet, but I haven’t enabled direct messages on my Facebook page. I have enough ways for people to reach out to me and I don’t want another source for spam. But I do appreciate your letting us know about this. I may change my mind in the future and enable this feature.
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