Happy 2011: My Response to The Awesome Column

Keri Jaehnig
January 3, 2011
Are you as hopeful for 2011 as I am?  Have you been reading up on predictions for the new year?…...
Happy 2011: My Response to The Awesome Column featured image

Are you as hopeful for 2011 as I am?  Have you been reading up on predictions for the new year?

Last year for Christmas, I received a really thoughtful gift: A subscription to TIME Magazine.  During 2010, I kept up with the world each week in picturesque snippets.  One of the things I have enjoyed most is Joel Stein's The Awesome Column - His witty point of view usually left me with a smile, and I would look forward to seeing what cool clip art he would super-impose himself into next!

In the January 10, 2011 issue of TIME, Joel  imitates Carnak - wearing my favorite color purple - sitting with his cell phone and a crystal ball.  Conversations with experts in a variety of fields led him to convey that 2011 will be The Year of Pimento Cheese! Whattaya think of that?  He also touches on pie, restaurant cuisine, drugs, kid language, politics, entertainment, the market, history, fashion, and sports.

Joel called upon his choice experts.  For a fun, I consulted the Chinese Calendar...

We're actually about to enter The Year of the Rabbit.  The Metal Rabbit.  According to Chinese Astrology, I am a Monkey.  Good news for me: According to Moonslipper, I will find 2011 very much to my liking with plans and goals moving ahead smoothly and as anticipated.  Additionally, Monkeys involved in creative work such as writing or art, this will be a particularly inspirational year and their work will be highly regarded.  Yippy - I'm doing a groovy little monkey-dance!

For me, and I think for Joel, the predictions are mostly a source of entertainment.  Yet, I'd like to give my take on some of Mr. Stein's Awesome mentions...

Where I agree:

  • Rabbit - If it's really going to have a culinary moment, chefs must call it something else.
  • Pie - The definitely-in dessert for 2011!
  • Gold - More popular this year, and moving it indeed = very Mr. T.
  • Fashion - Surely reflective of the early 1990s.

Where I disagree:

  • Rabbit - Is it really fair to serve them up during their year in the spotlight?  Might it be more delicious to encourage more chocolate decadence at Easter time?
  • Pimento Cheese - Nada!  Very 1970s.  I think we're in for something white with horseradish...Maybe from Wisconsin (I have some in my refrigerator).
  • Television - Is it really important to keep up with the Kardashians?
  • History Professors - They'll wait another year to learn how to use computers.

I'll save sports, drugs, politics, and the language of our youth for future posts.

As an online marketing professional, I will make a few predictions on a more serious note:

  • Social media will become more prevalent in the small business and non-profit worlds.
  • Blogging is where it's at - If you're not blogging, you better start!
  • We'll hear more about incorporating mobile marketing into the mix.
  • Likeable Media will show the industry some nifty stuff! (Dave Kerpen has been offering some very good predictions!)

As always, I'll be working this year to ramp-up for next.  Pie and Cheese seem to be on the "Rabbit Radar" right now.  My goal is Muffins for 2012.

By the way, are you on my list to receive "Media Muffins?" If not, email me at [email protected] for bi-weekly E-treats alllll this year!

So...  In 2011, are you going for French Silk or Apple Pie?  Do you prefer nickel, pewter, or brass bunny-foo-foos? What are your social media predictions?

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