Happy Easter 2011

Keri Jaehnig
April 24, 2011
Let the Easter Bunny deliver updates the way you want them – Subscribe to my RSS Feed. Can’t you just hear…...
Happy Easter 2011 featured image

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media was the Easter Bunny at her first dance recital at age 5.Let the Easter Bunny deliver updates the way you want them - Subscribe to my RSS Feed.

Can't you just hear it?

"Here comes Peter Cottontail...

...Hoppin' down the bunny trail...

...Hippity-hoppity Easter's on it's way!"

(That might have been the tune playing when this picture was taken).

My Inner Bunny

I genuinely want to get to know my readers - YOU! And I know, if I want you to show me your inner bunny, I'm going to have to show you mine first!  So here we go...

The picture above is from my first dance recital - I was five years old.  Tap shoes, cotton tail, and droopy ear -- all me!  Don't I look like I know what I'm doing up there? My mother tells me I was actually a bar behind.  But we were cute!  (I still have that costume).

That was the beginning of a long string of recitals.  I danced until I was sixteen.  Jazz and tap -- I hated ballet.  Over time I was a hula girl, a liberty bell, a minute man, greased lightening, and even something resembling a Rockette.

Growing up I was more artistic than athletic - In this post I shared with you that I am also a musician.  All those years of lessons, practice, and performances enabled me to do some musical community theater as an adult.

Your Inner Bunny

I don't expect you to share pictures of yourself in goofy costumes.  But I would like to know more about your interests.  Or maybe your questions!  Anything related to my posts and their topics.  Or not.  I value every thought in the comment box below!!

Sweetening The Easter Basket

To entice you further to share here with me, I've created a special set of "golden eggs" for you to grab.

Beginning tomorrow I will share one idea-licious social media tip each day throughout the week.  I'm calling it a "Social Media Easter Basket" -- Just for you, from me.  (Go ahead, click the link for more details).

So be sure to check back - I look forward to sharing!

Easter Greetings

Did you receive a special Easter greeting from me via email?  If not, you're missing out on my best stuff!

Special announcements, Media Muffins, and more.  If you'd like to be included in the inner circle, contact me.

For now, I simply wish you and yours a blessed Easter! :)


2 Replies

  1. knikkolette Gravatar

    By knikkolette on

    I love learning new things about you Keri! I think you and I would have run in the same circles if we would have grown up in the same town, I also took dance lessons growing up and also have an artistic flair. 🙂 I didn’t keep any of my dance costumes though… I always used them as Halloween costumes or dress-up and ended up wearing them out! LOL Ah – to be carefree again!

    Reply to knikkolette

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Knikkolette, How terrific that you took dance lessons too — Wish we could have compared bunny costumes! Thanks for making me smile, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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