How To Install Facebook Questions On Your Business Page

Keri Jaehnig
April 7, 2011
Have your Facebook friends been sending you invitations to answer questions on Facebook? Your favorite Facebook Pages too? Yes, Facebook…...
How To Install Facebook Questions On Your Business Page featured image

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media asks your thoughts on Glenn Beck Leaving Fox!Have your Facebook friends been sending you invitations to answer questions on Facebook?

Your favorite Facebook Pages too?

Yes, Facebook has given you the tool to ask your friends and fans, "Is Glenn Beck Leaving Fox?"

With Facebook, its always something, isn't it?

Relax, this just might be a good feature!

Making It Personal

Using Facebook Questions via your personal profile is fairly easy.  Once you have been asked and answered a question, this feature is magically available to you!

A top news story was Glenn Beck leaving Fox.  So, I decided to ask my friends' opinions on Facebook.

Here's the visual:

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media asks, "How do you feel about Glenn Beck leaving Fox?"My question was asked about midnight, and had answers - from both East and West Coast time zones - immediately after I posted.  A sensitive topic, for sure!

But that tells you that people are willing to talk about their curiosities and share their thoughts.

You can also allow people to add more response options....or not.  Even better, your friends can ask their friends, so the question can really spread across the social graph!

Quite an insightful tool, eh?

Paging Mr. Question

Using Facebook Questions from your Business Page is a bit trickier.  But doable!

Here is a quick video on installing Facebook Questions to your Business Page:

Easy, right?

FUN FACT: Glenn Beck visited GET FIT - Wilmington when he was in Wilmington, Ohio in December, 2010.

Summing It Up

And once you get going, questions can really offer small businesses and non-profits an opportunity to gain valuable insight about their fans!

Find out how they feel about specific services.

Learn opportunities for offering new products or services.

Facebook Questions is a terrific tool for engaging your clients!!

What questions do you have about installing Facebook Questions?

Will you install this feature on your Facebook Page?

What do you think about Glenn Beck leaving Fox?

Please tell me your thoughts in the box below... :)


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