Modeling Ten Qualities of Social Media Superstars

Keri Jaehnig
June 7, 2011
Recently, Mari Smith addressed the question: “What is it that makes certain industry professionals really stand out, get known, get…...
Modeling Ten Qualities of Social Media Superstars featured image

Idea Girl Media discusses Mari Smith's webinar on 10 Qualities of Social Media SuperstarsRecently, Mari Smith addressed the question:

What is it that makes certain industry professionals really stand out, get known, get the best deals, and get the big bucks?

She held a webinar, "How To Model Ten Qualities Of Social Media Superstars."

I had heard Mari on similar topics several times before, but this discussion was high-energy.  People from around the world were online exchanging thoughts, piping in, and having a blast!

And the information was great - as always.

According To Mari

The Ten Qualities of Social Media Superstars

1. Humility - Be Humble.

2. Passion.

3. An Inclusive Attitude. (non-competitive, recommends & endorses peers)

4. Be Engaging!

5. Deep Niche Knowledge. ("Get rich in the niche!")

6. Prolific Content Producer. (curator; also promotes others' content)

7. Always Adding Value. (useful content AND discerning in what they say)

8. 100% Consistent. (content, engagement, branding)

9. A True Leader (champions people, builds community)

10. Proven Track Record.

My tweets from that session with examples from Mari are curated here.

The Mari Smith Effect

Idea Girl Media is inspired by Mari Smith, who outlines Ten Qualities of Social Media SuperstarsThe buzz from Mari's webinar lasted a few days - People were making blog posts, tweets were still streaming.

Fun and interesting to see!

A friend, Dave Gallant, wrote a clever post:

Are You A Social Media Superstar?

It was a pleasant surprise to see my name within his list of influencers!  For being engaging!! :)

To his post, I commented...


Very clever post - Love the graphic and subtitle below! Fun that we attended Mari's webinar together. :)

It is a pleasure having you in my social networking circle. In the time that we've been tweeting, I've come to know you as a quality-minded individual.

When I saw my Twitter ID mentioned within the lists above, I was blown away...and honored. Thank you for such wonderful mention!!

Mari's list is pretty thorough. (Her mentoring program looks stellar!)

Looking forward to continuing the social journey with you...



This inspired two curiosities for me:

  • Was I worthy of such mention?
  • What is my true list of social networking influencers?

So I took a look around, and formulated some lists!

Who's Modeling The Ten Qualities Of Social Media Superstars?

1. Humility

2. Passion

3. Inclusive

4. Engaging

5. Deep Niche Knowledge

6. Prolific Content Producers

7. Always Adding Value

8. 100% Consistency

9. True Leaders

10. Proven Track Record

* My lists are meant to compliment Mari's.

So above, you see who influences me!

What is your definition of a Superstar?

Who inspires you?

Are there individuals that should be included above?

Looking forward to your comments below! :)


12 Replies

  1. Pingback: Engagement Rate On Facebook: Understanding It

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  3. Kelly Gravatar

    By Kelly on

    Thanks for this list! As a newbie coming along it will certainly be helpful to emulate the greats right from the get go 🙂 ~Kelly

    Reply to Kelly

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Kelly, Welcome! You should definitely follow the superstars on the list above, and those mentioned within the Storify example in the post linked above. All great people that lead by example! 🙂 Thanks for visiting, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. Laurinda Shaver Gravatar

    By Laurinda Shaver on

    I identify with people who present themselves as they are. What I mean is that they don’t put on a facade, they don’t push me to do something, they have a sense of humour, and it feels like I’m engaging with them as if we are standing around in a hallway or at an event. I find that so many people online are not focused on what is most valuable; people. I like those who give value, are real, and have fun.

    Reply to Laurinda

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Laurinda, Excellent – I agree. You walk the talk – meaning you possess all of those qualities. I like that! It’s about people, relationships. So…lets go have fun!! 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  5. Mattias Gronborg Gravatar

    By Mattias Gronborg on

    Hello Keri! Awesome post! 🙂 Successfully online brands have a commitment to show up every day and that is a difference, because this is a marathon not a sprint. They want to get out more from life; they never saddle for status quo. What are the costs that we will have to pay if we get to the end of our life, and we have really not lived the commited life we were ment in the heart to live. This is a paradigm shift question; because life waits for no one.. In my world I think you could put up @garyvee on that list, I think that dude has some grey hairs. 😉 Now I need to work harder.

    Reply to Mattias

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Mattias, Always a pleasure to see you here! Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) was actually Mari Smith’s one and only mention on the “Passionate” list. You are absolutely correct in your statements – Though I’m not sure about the gray hairs. 😉 You are on your way. Work smarter not harder… ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. Pingback: 5 Terrific Women on Triberr by Janet Callaway The Natural Networker

  7. Janet Gravatar

    By Janet on

    Keri, aloha. This is absolutely amazing. As it happens, I am visiting your blog because I wanted to pull your current post as link to a post I am writing today because that post references you. Imagine my surprise and delight when I found myself mentioned here. Thx so much, Keri. Will be back later to comment further as my in process post is “hanging out there” and I don’t want to lose it to cyberspace. Be watching for it soon. Mahalo for the mention and for including me in such awesome company; I am truly honored. Until alter, Keri, aloha. Janet

    Reply to Janet

  8. Dave Gallant Gravatar

    By Dave Gallant on

    Thanks for the mention Keri! And yes, you were deserving of the mention!! ~Dave

    Reply to Dave

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Dave, It is my pleasure to mention you — I’ve come to know you as a mover and shaker in the time we’ve known each other. Really like the new photo — I’m a fan of guys with ties. 😉 Thanks again for your mention…a terrific compliment! So great of you to visit, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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