Are you a small business owner?
A non-profit director?
A professional in transition trying to find your place as a solopreneur?
In each case, if you are passionate about your cause and want to succeed, you never stop. You are always fine-tuning your operation, you are always looking for nice people to help spread the word, and it seems there is never enough funding or manpower.
A small business owner's or non-profit director's job is never done. That is, if you're still in your growing years and you want to succeed. Meetings don't occur just Monday through Friday.
Through tweeting online - I believe on a Follow Friday - I became acquainted with the founder of a small organization working to connect businesses and non-profits in both Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio to create something she's calling, "FUNraising."
A tweet and some back and forth later, we're finally getting together for coffee today. As someone with a well-rounded small business perspective, quite a bit of non-profit experience, and even some work in fundraising, I'm hoping I can help her. I'm optimistic! In fact, I'm really looking forward to what this relationship might bring!!
My approach to most everything is, "There are 24 hours in a day - lets use them!" So for me, getting together on a Saturday is par for the course.
Ya know - It's a bit like football. Do you think the Packers and the Steelers are on vacation today?
Are you honing your business on weekends? Is it "game-on" or "game-off" for you on weekends?
What's your approach? Let me know below.
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