Some have been building websites and web pages since the 1990s. My hats off to those folks!
Others have gone it a different route - finding "free" websites. You sign up, easily create your page from a few attractive enough templates, and you thought you were on your way.
They didn't tell ya that every time you log in to make an adjustment, it might be tedious or time-consuming. Or that you're adding to their "Google love"...not necessarily your own. It ends up being a nifty online brochure that only those you tell can find.
So, "free," doesn't necessarily mean free.
Still others of us have purchased our own domain and hosting, and created our own static websites with semi easy-to-use page-builder programs. The Do-It-Yourself route with maybe some success.
For the layperson, this was technologically and phonetically sexy! With a website, you could say, "We're online at www..."
That was me. Back in 2006.
Five years ago!
The web is not even the same as it was six months ago. Let alone five years ago. Social media and our social graphs have changed everything.
And this will continue to be the trend.
So, shouldn't we be equipping ourselves with the tools that will bring us the greatest success with the least amount of effort?
The Definition Of Insanity
I live in an area of Ohio that was dubbed "Ground Zero of Unemployement," after DHL pulled out of their American Headquarters operations here in 2008. Every family that I know was affected with at least one parent out of work. Some even still.
Business owners have had it rough trying to survive! In turn, many once-employed have tapped their entrepreneurial spirit, and bootstrapped their way into business. Budgets have been very tight.
I'm often asked about social media strategy and online presence. And I immediately pipe up, bright-eyed, with information that I've learned over the past couple of years.
In those conversations, I highly recommend small business owners, nonprofits, and entrepreneurs set their website up in Wordpress format. I discuss the ease in starting up, that it's highly customizable, and very easy to maintain. I'll go on to describe how Google loves Wordpress, as content is continually indexed, favoring higher ranks in the search engines.
We talk about blogging as a way to establish credibility and attract customers or followers. The blog can be right at the website - pretty simple. Wordpress plugins make sharing to social media networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter realllly easy.
I've even given Wordpress tours online to show people - hands-on - what Wordpress is all about and how it works.
Some look at me like I have three heads. This "Wordpress stuff" surely isn't same 'ole, same 'ole.
And they go back to their free and static websites, and get their high school-aged nephew, or poker buddy that thinks they know what they're doing, to set it up and/or maintain.
These are the same people that I see in the grocery store a few months later, shaking their head, telling me that social media isn't giving them what they hoped for, and that their website isn't getting any traffic. Also the folks that can't log in to their website because Poker Buddy "screwed things up."
Meanwhile, I'm growing leaps and bounds and my Wordpress motor's runnin'!
Yet they still won't re-consider that a Wordpress formatted website and blog might give them better results. Even change their business.
Isn't this a tad like asking the same question, expecting a different answer?
Wordpress Mechanics
I had a designer help me set up the first version of my Wordpress site. She kept talking about my theme's architecture "under the hood." So I started to think of my website as this cool, groovy car that I took for a drive every time I published a blog entry! Fun, eh?
Not very long ago, I gave my site a new look, keeping the Wordpress format. It was only a few hours after I published the updates when I got a very interesting call from someone that found me via Google search. I was stunned!
This led me to recall an article written by my Facebook Friend and Twitter Tweep, Kim Garst, Why Oh Why Should I Use Wordpress?
Kim had this to say, "One of my first experiences with Wordpress...I installed a WordPress theme for a client on a Tuesday morning. I simply installed the theme, no content or anything was up yet and on Thursday, my client called me and said that their domain was pulling up in Google's organic rankings under their primary keyword! #4 on GOOGLE!"
I'd say they ran a pretty good race there!
Leather 'n Lace
It could be that I have not made Wordpress appear attractive enough; Bodaciously showroom new.
Quite possible my approach has lacked the "new car smell," and frilly phrasings.
Maybe my words...........
...........haven't revved the right turbos.
In my neck of the woods, men are most often the decision-makers. But more and more, ladies hold the master keys.
Playing no favorites, lets make it more exciting!
Your Wordpress Website: Bringing Sexy Back
- Wordpress is free at
- Themes (design/paint job) are also free.
- Premium themes are available for a nominal fee to take your SEO from 0-60!
- Plugins make your site efficient and socially savvy.
- Google LOVES Wordpress - Don't even have to buy it dinner.
Note my social share options to the left and at the bottom of this post -- those are plugins.
If you want your theme customized, a designer can help you do that. I know a few good ones, I'll put you in touch.
So...Ya ready for a Wordpress test drive??
Are there super-savvy web developers that can share anything that I left out above?
Original Image credits: Yellow -; Mini Cooper -
40 Replies
Wow Hmm!! that,s great Perfect timing on this article, Keri! Our site needs updating painfully, but as you say – budgets are tight. Luckily, we set it up in WordPress. You’ve given me the reason to get to work on it myself! Thanks for the share.. 🙂
Hi I appreciate your stopping to share your thoughts. It’s nice to know that I have an ally out there – Surely we must find some way to collaborate, as I too believe inbound marketing is a frontier worth exploring! Poked around your website, and look forward to learning more… Thanks for the share. 🙂
hey great post. Hi Keri! Loving the car pics : ) I just wanted to say that I switched to WordPress about a month ago from Joomla and I find it extremely user friendly in comparison. I am enjoying WordPress and meeting all the wonderful people using it as well, WordPress is a warm community and you don’t have to wait around for your poker buddy for support : )Thanks for sharing.:-)
I love WordPress CMS is easy to use and have lot of free layouts and templates that can fit with any website. I had HTML website and after WordPress started to get popular I just get one WordPress website. It’s great for people that are not familiar with a code :))
WordPress can indeed be sexy!
Keri, aloha. Loved the car pictures. It’s amazing how people don’t do what you tell them to do and then complain when what they do doesn’t work. Duh. That’s why I told you to __________ When I first set up my blog, I set it up on Blogger. While it was easy to do, it lacked functionality. Since I didn’t really understand blogging when I set it up, I had no idea those features would matter to me. Now they do. Keri, I’m a WordPress Girl through and through. Great content; fun post. Until next time, aloha. Janet
@twitter-45938040:disqus , Thanks for your comments – on the cars, and recommendations. I think many will appreciate your insight on blogging as a beginner. There are some things to get used to. But WordPress cuts through some of that. Also, the long-term needs to be a focus, as you bring to light. I think the WordPress format lets bloggers proceed with solid footing into the future. Aloha, my friend! ~Keri
@openid-84350:disqus , Very cool on the re-direct! I too was on before I went to a self-owned domain. I actually found it more confusing than my current format….but I suppose others may not. I’ve tried to go with the KISS method – I don’t do much with CSS. My plugins are limited to those that keep my site efficient and social share-ready. There is a trade-off, either way, as you point out. Thank you for giving another view for readers to consider. ~Keri
@c5b2149967c662626ec74003be487eb2:disqus , Thanks for stopping by, Jocelyn… Not a new blog….just a few decorating updates. Thank you for your nice words! 🙂 Glad you are enthused about WordPress – good for folks to know this from you, as someone working with social media and SEO. ~Keri
Hey Keri Like Christian all of my websites are now using WordPress except one.Needless to say I love WordPress.I can setup a WordPress blog in less than thirty seconds, then add a few plugins to beef up security and write my first post less than a minute later.Gotta love it :)Peter
@pfuller:disqus , Your insight is helpful for the average small business owner that needs to post the pertinent and be on their way. I’m so glad you phrased it the way you did….as it is reality. Too many have been overwhelmed with less than fabulous tools, and a new word like “WordPress” sounds scary, I think. Thanks for adding your thoughts! ~Keri who is impressed with the speed you note above
The wonderful part of WordPress is that it’s replaced ALL of my websites which were originally built with static HTML, Joomla and Drupal. Fantastic I say!
@smartboydesigns:disqus , You are one of the savvy-est website/blog guys I know. Your saying this helps people put things in perspective. I’ve heard soooo many have made a conversion from other formats to WordPress in the last 2 years: *Ford. *Cisco. *Sony. That’s saying something. Thanks, Christian, for offering your insight here! 🙂 ~Keri
Themes are important but don’t forget that you can learn a little CSS and reverse-engineer the themes yourself. Of course, that is time-consuming in itself at times. I agree that it’s easier to get it right the first time around but that does not mean you can’t evolve what you’re doing from the beginning. It’s only trickier when you build a massive audience and run the risk of losing some people in the shuffle. I’d say most of us do not have to worry about that because we either do not have the massive audience or we just have some really awesome people that will support us regardless of how we dress things up. 8)
@openid-84350:disqus , Thank you for adding this additional insight. Most people are not design-savvy, but those that are probably do have a real house party! Bottom line — Blog! Blog well, and blog often. If you don’t own your own domain…okay. But every time you blog, you’re blogging for that host. They get part or most of your Google Love. But if you can own your own domain, you control everything that happens, and no hosting company decision could stand in your way of plans you would make to build your business and business following. There is not a one-size-fits-all online. 🙂 ~Keri
Terri, Glad to offer information that you can use right now! Please keep me posted on how things are going, and when you are ready with a link — don’t be shy, lay it on me!! 🙂 ~Keri
A lot of good information in here. The one thing I would caution is on picking some free themes. While there are plenty of free themes that work really great, there are some that are just plain bad news. I’ve heard stories of people installing themes and their site never showing up in the search engines. After some research they found that the reason was because the theme had hidden links in it to things like Viagra, Rolex & other spammy sites. Personally I like using the premium themes like Thesis or Headway. For the do it yourself type of person, Headway is perfect and gives you tons of flexibility along with some great SEO options in it. In fact, when I am building a custom WordPress Site for a client, that is what I use exclusively to give them flexibility to make changes in the future without needing to contact me.
Excellent insight, @jeremyblanton:disqus ! I’ve heard more and more good things about Headway. Hearing more about PageLines too – offering similar DIY type features. I have not used a free theme, as the premium themes offer added benefit for a very reasonable price. I considered it a nominal fee for a business investment. Jeremy, thank you for sharing your insight!! 🙂 ~Keri
Hi Keri! Loving the car pics : ) I just wanted to say that I switched to WordPress about a month ago from Joomla and I find it extremely user friendly in comparison. I am enjoying WordPress and meeting all the wonderful people using it as well, WordPress is a warm community and you don’t have to wait around for your poker buddy for support : )
@KarlaCamposLopez:disqus , Thanks for offering your words and insight about your WordPress and transition experience. When I started blogging, I didn’t understand that there could be a “WordPress Community.” But there certainly is. And, it’s all warm fuzzies. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by to share… ~Keri
@KarlaCamposLopez:disqus , I appreciate your sharing your experience with both Joomla and WordPress. Very helpful for readers….this one included! Wordpress is a warm….community. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by that aspect of utilization. Poker buddies beware… haha 🙂 ~Keri
Wait.. Forget about the cars (though I want to know where you get the custom WordPress decals and rims LOL).. I did not know Karla was a Lopez. We might be cousins! =oP WordPress is definitely very warm and interactive. It’s fun when you randomly browse other blogs and meet new people. Every time I get featured on the “top blogs of the day” or “growing blogs” pages, I get a little giddy.. It’s like hosting a house party – with none of the clean-up! ;o)
@openid-84350:disqus , Please let me know if you find common lineage – haha. 🙂 I’m curious to know about “top blogs of the day” and “growing blogs” – Your experiences, and tales of the house party. ~Keri
@MattGron:disqus , Finding the right theme can be a time investment. But one worthwhile! Regarding premium themes, Genesis Studiopress is good – with some SEO features built in. DIY Themes (Thesis) seemed to be ranked at the top for that. My experience with Themeforest is not the same as yours, but each theme developer is an individual. I’d recommend looking up the developer to see if there are reviews written to reference. Elegant Themes does have a nice choice set with some creativity to choose from. It is good that today, we have social networking to help us in making reference. And reviews. It’s also not such a big deal to re-theme and give a fresh look. Thanks for stopping by and letting people know your thoughts! 🙂 ~Keri
Perfect timing on this article, Keri! Our site needs updating painfully, but as you say – budgets are tight. Luckily, we set it up in WordPress. You’ve given me the reason to get to work on it myself! Thanks!
@2fa416cb6177a924b46595e32d999c79:disqus , Glad to catch you at a good time – Sounds like you’ll have some good stuff coming at your website soon! Wordpress plugins are easy – If something doesn’t work for you, uninstall and find something that does. Keep me posted on your progress, and if you have questions, I’ll do my best to answer them. And, if I don’t know the answer, I’ll find someone that does and put you in touch. 🙂 ~Keri
Nice article you have written on businesses utilizing the many advantages of WordPress. I am totally with you on this one. Feel free to stop by Internet Billboards and do some cross sharing with me. I really like your writing.
@internetbillboards:disqus , Thank you for your compliment, and for the read. I appreciate your stopping to share your thoughts. It’s nice to know that I have an ally out there – Surely we must find some way to collaborate, as I too believe inbound marketing is a frontier worth exploring! Poked around your website, and look forward to learning more… ~Keri
Hi Keri, Thank you again, I was likewise looking at your blog and think you are really producing some great content. Anyway there are some great changes taking place online and I was curious if you heard of yet and if you have read or written anything lately on content curation? With your blessing I would be happy to curate some of your content onto Internet Billboards, I think our audience would enjoy it. —–Original Message—–
@internetbillboards:disqus , Changes are one thing that stays consistent online these days. 🙂 I have heard of, but need to delve in and really look around. I’ll likely do something on newer tools soon, but did write something on Tweet curation not so long ago:
Twitter Stories: 3 Free Tools To Curate Tweet Collections
It was written before I re-vamped my site, so some of the text layout might spaced out. Also, the tools and embedding is heavy on the page, so I’ll just warn you in advance, you might need to refresh to get it to load. Lets talk about content curation further – please feel free to tweet me at @connectyou:disqus , and we’ll set up a time to talk. Also, feel free to circle me on Google+: Thank you again for your nice words! Looking forward, ~Keri
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