Tag 'Launch'

How To Launch Your Online Store Like A Pro

Posted 10th of September 2022 by Idea Girl Media

How To Launch Your Online Store Like A Pro explained in five steps at Idea Girl Media

Whether you’ve been in business awhile or launching a brand new startup, you need an online presence. Want to create an online store, make a profit, and avoid pitfalls? Here are five steps to begin successfully and go forward…

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How To Perform Introductory Market Research To Test Your Awesome Business Idea explained at Idea Girl Media

Thinking of opening your own business? Many are forming their own company these days. You’ll want to out-do your competition from the very start So, how to do market research for a startup? Here are three essential steps to begin…

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Launch: The Proof Is In The Fuel

Posted 20th of December 2011 by Keri Jaehnig

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media reviews Michael Stelzner's book, Launch: How To Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond The Competition

Sometimes it’s hard when you’re reading a book to visualize how exactly to put it into action. This is far from the case with Launch by Michael Stelzner… however here’s my review and a short case study showing how Idea Girl Media and More In Media collaborated on an event putting the book into action!

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