7 Ways Your Business Can Save Becoming A Green Company

Idea Girl Media
July 12, 2018
Even if you don’t have a green company name, making choices to be a greener company can mean big annual…...
7 Ways Your Business Can Save Becoming A Green Company featured image

Even if you don't have a green company name, making choices to be a greener company can mean big annual savings. Here are 7 ways your business can do it...

Being A Green Company: How Your Business Can Make Substantial Annual Savings

Businesses regularly face multiple challenges each day, such as increased competition,
spiraling overheads, and an evolving marketplace. To succeed in an industry, you must
continually make changes to both develop and grow.

The more money a company has in the bank and the more technologies they can adopt, the
more prepared they’ll be for a disaster or out-pacing non green companies. Increase your bottom line by finding out how your business can make substantial annual savings through eco-friendly tactics.

Buy Energy-Efficient Equipment

Would you like to enjoy long-term savings?

Invest in energy-efficient equipment, which could help you to save hundreds or thousands on your energy bill every year, depending on your company’s size.

For example, depending on your business, you could purchase:

Or a biomass boiler.

All can offer efficiency that result in cost savings.

Reduce Your Workplace Temperature By One Degree

If you would like to save approximately 10% on your company’s annual heating bill, consider doing something many top green companies are already doing: Drop your workplace temperature by as little as one degree.

It’s a small reduction that could make a big difference to your company’s bank balance. In turn, you take one step in being kinder to the environment.

Cut Waste To Boost Profits

By cutting waste to reduce your dependency on waste disposal products you can better your
bottom line. For example:

  • Fix broken computers
  • Avoid disposable office supplies
  • Up-cycle old or worn furniture

Such efforts can prevent products from filling up landfill.  Additionally, you won't need to buy new products or stock up on extra supplies, which can improve your company’s yearly finances.

Eliminate Lazy Business Habits

Lazy business habits can hurt your company’s bank balance. Encourage savings by
eliminating the behaviors that are prohibiting your profitability.

For example, remind employees not to waste paper, or unnecessarily waste water. You could also strategically place desk fans in your server room for effective cooling, and encourage staff to shutdown their computers after each working day to save energy.

Start Using The Cloud

Paper waste can take its toll on the environment and also take a substantial amount off your
finances throughout the year. Become a paperless company by decreasing printing across
the workplace.

Instead, use the cloud, which is an online document sharing application such as:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • Office 365

Utilize the above to send, edit, and collaborate on files.

Bleed Radiators To Warm Up Your Workplace

Bleeding radiators is a simple way to save money on your energy bills each year.

Removing the trapped air from the radiator coils will allow it to heat up evenly, which will ensure it efficiently operates during winter. So, you will not need to turn up your heating to warm up
your office, which can lead to a nice savings.

Appoint A Green Champion For Your Green Company

If you want to ensure all the points mentioned above are enforced and your business sees all potential benefits, you should appoint a green champion. It will be their responsibility to tick every task off the list each day, which can improve internal efficiency and, as a result, help your business attain great savings.

Having a green champion on staff will also give your brand good appearance.  Lead the way and be one of the green company examples -- You can promote yours is an ethical, eco-friendly business in good conscience.

16 Replies

  1. ClearWorld Gravatar

    By ClearWorld on

    Its not just beneficial to us but also to our environment since its not toxic. Just like what they say whats good for the planet is also good for business!

    Reply to ClearWorld

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Glad you liked this post – Hope you found it helpful. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. ashely rosa Gravatar

    By ashely rosa on

    Thanks for share your information. I Hope you will give us more information in future.

    Reply to ashely

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Ashley, Thank you for visiting the blog and for reading this article. Glad it was helpful. We do update the blog frequently with business-related topics of many topics. Please feel free to check back. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. LED Flame Bulbs Gravatar

    By LED Flame Bulbs on

    Keri Jaehnig your article was great. Please write more article that relates to business.

    Reply to LED

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Thank you for your kind words. I’ll try not to let you down. 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. Ronald Janson Gravatar

    By Ronald Janson on

    Thanks for sharing this post with us. I am little bit interested to get more information about Garedning.I like to share my opinion on Gardening.As soon as your vegetation have had a very good soak, it’s time to select an applicable pot dimension. Select a pot as small as potential. It’s a widespread misperception to plant vegetation in an enormous pot, considering vegetation will develop faster as a result of they’ve an even bigger pot. The reality in truth is completely the other. Vegetation want oxygen within the soil, and massive pots make it more durable for soil to dry out. With out drying out, soil turns into logged and oxygen is destroyed. Roots won’t develop correctly and the plant will keep too moist, being a significant reason for root rot, and probably plant loss of life.

    Reply to Ronald

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Ronald, Thank you for visiting and reading our blog. Are you searching for information on gardening, or marketing a gardening business? Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  5. Sophie Gravatar

    By Sophie on

    This is a really refreshing post – I see so much about how we can become more energy efficient but it’s great to see someone writing about how we can do it in the workplace too. All those simple tricks like regularly bleeding radiators and getting LED lights can really save your business some money and improve your carbon footprint.

    Reply to Sophie

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sophie, Couldn’t agree with you more! There are relatively easy ways to responsible at the workplace, and we should all strive to do what we can. Thank you for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. Adrian Crisostomo Gravatar

    By Adrian Crisostomo on

    I feel like companies that are having a green initiative have better productivity and better reputation. Being a green initiative already gives you plus points on the eyes of the consumer because they know that your company is responsible and have good intentions. I think more companies should give this a try.

    Reply to Adrian

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Adrian, Smart green initiatives are a good thing for companies and do create trust and goodwill with customers and potential customers. We should see more companies work to find ways to be more green or environmentally conscientious going forward. Thanks for your comment, Adrian, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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