Top Reasons Why You Should Build a Brand Identity

Idea Girl Media
April 11, 2018
Why should you build a brand identity? This list outlines five ways to do it and grow your business while…...
Top Reasons Why You Should Build a Brand Identity featured image

Why should you build a brand identity? This list outlines five ways to do it and grow your business while optimizing brand awareness...

5 Ways Building A Brand Identity Can Help Your Business

Just because your business has a fantastic product or exciting concept, that does not mean you’ll automatically draw people to it. Once you have developed your product, this is when the really important work starts!

Building a brand isn’t just what you offer to the public. It incorporates a whole lot more and is sometimes not fully realized due to time and money restraints. Prioritizing both time and money for building a brand identity is one of the best investments you can make in any type of business. The value of branding is tenfold and not only brings in more sales, a solid brand helps customers to recognize you among the hundreds or thousands of competitors out there.

There are many reasons why you should prioritize making your brand as good as it can be. This does not necessarily revolve around monetary reward. It can simply mean that you take pride in what you deliver, and your product or service is something that customers can’t live without.

Developing a consistent brand message throughout will also contribute to bringing everything together and making it easier to keep tabs on what is working and what is not working in your business.

Below we've outlined the top reasons you should build a brand identity.  Take a look at some of the main ways this will help your business flourish.

Creates Personality

In the changing face of modern business, building a personable identity for your organization is paramount. This personality is key to offering something unique to your consumers. You may want to present yourself as an expert on a subject or exude a fun and friendly brand tone.  Whatever the image, building it will help you win more sales.

Creating this brand comes down to a range of things from the physical branding including:

  • Fonts
  • Logos
  • Colors
  • Graphical features

Mixed in with how your business reacts to the market.

Communicating this effectively is also an important step in showcasing what you have to offer to your target market. How the company thinks and behaves will be under focus, and conveying a consistent and strong brand message to people will help them remember you above other brands.

Positioning In The Market

One of the first things you want to achieve is positioning the business in the market. This can be difficult of you have a lot of competition in similar niches, but setting yourself apart will help build reputation and recognition in your field.

There are several factors to consider when looking at where you want to place yourself amongst the crowd.  Establishing this will create a consistent and clear message for your offering. By providing your audience with clarity, they’ll know what to expect every time they hear or see your brand name. This invaluable branding asset will create a higher ranking over time and put yours above other brands in the market.

Consumers will trust your brand and naturally talk about it, which is a great way to increase sales and market share.

Making Your New Business Appear Larger In The Market

If done correctly, creating a brand identity can start to make your brand look larger and more prominent in the market. That’s not to say you’ll be deceiving people and making them believe yours is a huge organization when in fact you’re a start-up, but this affirms brand awareness and helps your brand stand out.

A great way to facilitate this is by investing in state of the art design and branding professionals to build your website, logos, and marketing tools. As those items are many times the first point of contact for your business, making a fantastic first impression is imperative. This could be in the form of:

  • A poster
  • Your website
  • Business cards

If it looks professional and unique, your company presence could be looked upon as more established in the market.

Branding also helps to give your customers the impression that even if you are a small company, you can take on larger projects with ease and present professional and timely work. Quality branding will also present your business as a company that can help your customers succeed.

Investing in these areas will keep your business from appearing amateur and create a lasting positive impression with professional branding right from the very start.

If you’re looking at ways to implement these factors into your business marketing plan, you will want to dedicate staff and resources to take control of your brand perception.

Monitor Reputation

Once you have a brand identity, it is important to monitor how well it is doing in the market. There are several ways to view this:

  • Basic sales figures
  • In-depth analytics of the sales funnels
  • Website ranking and credibility

Feedback and reviews are also a simple yet effective way to gauge customer response, and any issues can be rectified quickly without too much business interruption.


Building a network of both potential partners and consumers is key to driving more sales in your business. You can do this by using social media to build a targeted network of people who want to see your product or service.

Building relationships is important for businesses of all sizes and is the best way to set you apart from competitors. You can read more now about how network marketing can grow your business and branch out in effective ways.

Building a brand that aligns with your vision and the needs of your target audience is essential when creating a sustainable and profitable business. There are several significant steps to take before you can target your niche audience, but once you develop a solid marketing plan, you’ll discover the benefits of professional branding and identity planning.

Attracting the right clients is imperative for any organization, so taking the steps outlined above will help your business achieve this in an effective and consistent way.

2 Replies

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    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

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      Reply to Keri

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