Have you struggled with marketing during Coronavirus? Of course your goal is responsible marketing. Here, we offer you four pieces of advice that businesses of all sizes can use during a recession or global pandemic...
Your Business Marketing During Coronavirus Crisis
Coronavirus has presented the whole world with challenge.
- Medical professionals are desperately doing what they can to look after patients
- Some are working to find a vaccine for the virus
- Many individuals are being forced to self-isolate or social distance and struggle through changes to their whole lives
The global pandemic has also presented adjustments for businesses and marketing professionals who must find new ways of bringing customers on when industry dynamics are so uncertain.
If you’re a business owner or marketer here are four realistic tips for marketing during Coronavirus pandemic.
Reassure Your Customers
Perhaps, the best thing you can do right now in terms of marketing is assure your customers. Let them know you are responding to the virus appropriately and taking measures to ensure that you and your employees are taking every precaution to keep them as safe as possible right now.
Talk to them in a calm, reassuring tone and walk customers through the necessary processes of buying or using your products or services. This will go a long way to instilling the confidence they need to remain loyal to your brand.
Ramp Up Your Business Online
If your business isn’t already available online in some form, now is the time to change that. Set up a website and build a social media presence. Even if your customers aren’t going out or to their workplace as much as usual, they will still be able to access your products and services, and learn of new ones.
Obviously, it’s tougher, if not impossible, for some businesses to operate online. But even if you can’t actually do any selling right now, marketing online will affirm that when you can get back to business as usual, you’ll have customers primed and ready, waiting to give you their money.
Use Text Messaging
Everyone’s at home, so what’s the best way to reach them? Via their smartphones!
Building up your brand's online presence, you’d do well to look into business level text message marketing too. What does this mean?
You send out a mass number of marketing messages -- to all of your customers. That could translate into a large number of sales, provided your team is prepared and can accept and facilitate the new orders.
Focus On Existing Customers
Did you know that you have a 60-70% chance of selling to an existing customer, but only a 5-20% chance of selling to someone who has never used your business before?
The good news: Because you have existing customer information and know they’re interested in your brand's offerings, your marketing budget for selling to existing customers can be much lower. That’s why, right now when times are tough, it makes sense to target your marketing focus on existing customers.
- Send emails showcasing great new products
- Send special offers and discount codes
- Send helpful tips and informational articles that relate with your niche
Trigger interest in a unique and pleasant way, and you should see positive results.
Last Words On Marketing During Coronavirus
Coronavirus presents unique challenge to most businesses. Yet it is not insurmountable. These tips will help you overcome struggle and keep your customers relying on your organization.
7 Replies
Nice and very helpful article, thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Keri for the much-needed post. Quite useful and practical marketing tips. I run a clothing store, and I find it challenging to attract customers. I must work on building an online presence for my business.
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