Tag 'social networks'

How To Leverage Social Media To Grow Your Business

Posted 22nd of December 2021 by Idea Girl Media

How To Leverage Social Media To Grow Your Business outlined at Idea Girl Media

How can a small business leverage social media? It usually comes in the form of commitment, consistency, enthusiasm and delegation. Smart business leaders find the right balance for their situations. Here are four steps to help you succeed with social media and benefit your brand…

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Could You Use Your Creative Skills To Generate Additional Income?

Posted 1st of May 2021 by Idea Girl Media

Could You Use Your Creative Skills To Generate Additional Income? Question answered at Idea Girl Media

Everyone has creative skills. More recently, the world has discovered that many have creative thinking skills for students to tap into. Making wonderful people the new global teacher. Here are four things you need to spark a new stream of revenue…

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