Six Ways AI Impacts Our Daily Lives

Posted May 23, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Six Ways AI Impacts Our Daily Lives outlined and detailed at Idea Girl Media
When AI is mentioned, we often think of high level technology and the future of artificial intelligence (AI). The truth…...

Are Generation X Employees A Good Fit For Your Business?

Posted May 14, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Are Generation X Employees A Good Fit For Your Business? That question answered in five smart steps at Idea Girl Media
We hear a lot about Baby Boomers and Millennials, but it is not often we discuss Generation X in the…...

How To Help An Employee Who Is Struggling

Posted May 10, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
How To Help An Employee Who Is Struggling outlined and explained at Idea Girl Media
Are you a manager or business leader dealing with a difficult employee? One that is underperforming? Or you believe may…...

Should You Post Employee Photos On Social Media?

Posted April 26, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Should You Post Employee Photos On Social Media? Question answered at Idea Girl Media
Can a brand post pictures of employees at work on their website and social media channels? The answer is yes.…...

Is Expanding Your Company To Hong Kong The Right Move?

Posted April 10, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Is Expanding Your Company To Hong Kong The Right Move? That question answered for you at Idea Girl Media
If you are expanding your company, Where Should You Locate In Hong Kong?...

Five Ways Your Business Can Stop Wasting Energy

Posted April 9, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Five Ways Your Business Can Stop Wasting Energy spelled out at Idea Girl Media
Why is energy waste a problem? What are ways to reduce energy waste? Both questions you should be asking if…...

How To Be The Boss

Posted March 24, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
How To Be The Boss outlined at Idea Girl Media
Ready to start your own business? Or purchasing a company and launching with a re-branding and new business model? Here…...

How To Spot A Genuinely Green Company

Posted March 17, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
How To Spot A Genuinely Green Company mapped out at Idea Girl Media
Whether you find the company in your neighborhood or the green company online, people value environmentally friendly businesses more over…...

Is it Time to Update Staff Training in Your Business? [Infographic]

Posted March 7, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Is it Time to Update Staff Training in Your Business? [Infographic] offered for you at Idea Girl Media
Staff training should be a top priority to retain employees. You might keep a list of training programs for employees…...