Tag 'human resources'

Team Collaboration Best Practices That Positively Impact Your Bottom Line

Posted 23rd of October 2021 by Idea Girl Media

Team Collaboration Best Practices That Positively Impact Your Bottom Line outlined at Idea Girl Media

Why is team collaboration important? Managed well, it can bring employee camaraderie and company loyalty that leads to productivity and passion for your brand. This article details four considerations smart managers and business leaders should take right now…

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Nine Tasks Entrepreneurs Could Outsource For Greater Productivity

Posted 18th of October 2021 by Idea Girl Media

Nine Tasks Entrepreneurs Could Outsource For Greater Productivity explained at Idea Girl Media

Is your business growing, but you’re not quite ready for entire departments of staff? Have you been hesitant to outsource? This article highlights nine duties that can be outsourced and helps you identify which areas are best for you and your brand…

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Five Factors Of A Good Employee Travel Policy

Posted 17th of June 2021 by Idea Girl Media

Keeping your employees safe while on the road is also your responsibility as a business owner. Compare your current employee travel policy with these factors, outlined at Idea Girl Media.

One of the responsibilities of a great business owner is prioritizing employees’ safety and welfare. Especially if they travel a lot for the company. Find out if your current employee travel policy properly supports your employees’ wellbeing now…

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