Lets Get Social, Clinton County!

Posted January 19, 2011 By Keri Jaehnig
Clinton County Lets Get Social

Is the shower social media-sacred?

Posted January 16, 2011 By Keri Jaehnig
Singing in the shower

Flip Video: A Groovy Tool

Posted December 21, 2010 By Keri Jaehnig
Flip Video Mino HD

Social Media Followers Is it ALL in a Number?

Posted December 1, 2010 By Keri Jaehnig
Endless seats in a cinema. Do your social media numbers count for anything if they are not targeted?
It’s been said by well-known users of social media that at the end of the day, those with the most…...

Extending Your Customer’s Experience Through Social Media

Posted December 1, 2010 By Keri Jaehnig
Men on a bridge possibly immigrating to a new culture this moving and building community in a new culture can be equated with social media
I have a degree in Business and training in Non-profit Development, which gives me some fantastic insights into the building…...

You Should Report Facebook Profiles Advertising Illegal Activities

Posted December 1, 2010 By Keri Jaehnig
Sad boy potentially the victim of abuse, report Facebook profiles if you're in doubt
Personal privacy, profile settings, and online etiquette have been large topics since Facebook made adjustments earlier in 2010. But what…...