Eleven Mobile Business Ideas That Move You In A Profitable Direction

Idea Girl Media
January 4, 2022
Looking for new challenge that offers many possibilities for the budding entrepreneur? Have you researched trending mobile business? This article…...
Eleven Mobile Business Ideas That Move You In A Profitable Direction featured image

Looking for new challenge that offers many possibilities for the budding entrepreneur? Have you researched trending mobile business? This article will prove to you there is no shortage of mobile business ideas and eleven ways to capitalize on your own talents...

Sick of the office? Consider one of these unique mobile business ideas flexible enough to work anywhere!

If you are the kind of person who does not want to be tied down to one location you might think starting a business is something that is out of reach. But it is not.

Thanks to modern technology and the growth of location-independent businesses, it has never been easier to start your own company while traveling to see the world. Good news, right?

Don’t know where to start? Here are eleven mobile business ideas that move you in a profitable direction -- Growth, fulfillment and even success.

Mobile Retail Store

When you think about stores, you tend to think about them being in a fixed location. In a brick and mortar property. But that really does not have to be the case.

It has been possible to run a retail store online from any location for years now. However, more recently, an increase in mobile retail stores and pop-up shops have become popular. This means you can take your business with you wherever you go.

The key is to choose products that will sell anywhere around the world so you can make a living wherever you go. Obviously, you will need to convert a truck or van so your retail store is both functional and appealing.

Food Truck

Street food has exploded in recent years. Where once people would buy a hot dog from an outdoor vendor as a last resort, they are flocking to food trucks selling everything from:

A Food Truck - New And Most Popular Of Mobile Business Ideas  described at Idea Girl Media

  • American classics
  • Asian fusion
  • Vegan soul food
  • Coffee beverages

And lots more!

If you have a passion for cooking or serving beverages and you want to set up a mobile business, your own food truck could absolutely be one of the best ways to go right now. You can travel around selling your culinary creations at:

  • Fairs
  • Festivals
  • Community events
  • Populated workplace districts

And have a lot of fun experiencing new places, and with a smart strategy, be making a decent living at the same time.

Virtual Assistant

If you are looking for a job that offers a great deal of freedom without a large investment, then you should definitely think about offering your services as a virtual assistant.

Virtual assistants work from home to provide help and support to business professionals who need help with:

  • Running their calendars
  • Inputting their data
  • Answering some inquiries
  • Posting to social media

And so on.

It’s like being a secretary without ever having to go to the office. Anyone with basic computer skills can enter this arena, although secretarial experience will certainly be in your favor. This is one of those jobs you really could do from the beach providing you have access to a laptop and an internet connection.

Mobile business online -- This is a great option for anyone just starting out in the world of remote business.


If you are the kind of person who always has plenty to say and you are not afraid of being on camera, you might do well starting your own business as a content creator.

Basically, you would need to blog or vlog about your topic of passion. You would include details about your life and your travels and mobile adventures. Your aim should be engaging and building an audience.

Once you have enough followers, you can monetize your channel and find sponsors who will pay you for promoting their brand. This can be an additional way to make money. As you can imagine, there is a lot of competition, so you need to be really good at creating content and having something unique to say to be successful.

Logistics - Mobile Business Ideas On Steroids

More packages are sent and delivered now more than ever before in most locations around the world due to the boom in online shopping. There are already many established logistics and courier companies operating. However, there is room in the market for businesses that can deliver items faster and more effectively. It may even be a small sub-contractor partnering with a larger company that can operate from anywhere in the world.

Logistics - Mobile Business Ideas On Steroids

If you want yours to be a small company you could simply invest in your own truck and offer to deliver packages on a small scale in wherever you happen to be in at the time.

Remember to get insurance and take regular breaks. Any truck accident lawyer will tell you that truck accidents are very common when people are working long hours.

If you want to build an empire you can set up a company and employ other truck owners, nationally or internationally, to deliver packages for you too. It is a totally scalable idea that can fit your plans.

Event Planner

If you are the kind of person who is very organized and who can get things done, there is potential for you to set up a mobile event planning business. You will travel to the locations of your clients and help them plan their:

You get to earn your fee while enjoying the surroundings in your spare time.

Good event planners are always in demand, so the hardest part is getting the first gig that shows potential customers what you can do. Once you get past that hurdle, a very lucrative business could await you.

Personal Trainer

Into fitness and want to help people achieve their full potential while also traveling around the world? Before you build your business, study to become a qualified, certified personal trainer. The best move you could make is earning less common certifications so you can serve a greater number of people.

Bonus: You’ll get to meet lots of interesting people as you travel around the world exercising every day and teaching others how to get the most from their workouts and nutritional plans.

Be a copywriter and prove mobile business ideas work, recommends Idea Girl Media


Are you a good persuasive writer with some awareness of online marketing? You might do well as a freelance copywriter working from anywhere in the world there is an internet connection. As eCommerce becomes even more popular, even more avenues are possible.

Once you have a few clients and good testimonials to show how effective your words can be, you can think about scaling your business by taking on additional writers and founding your own copywriting agency. Or if you just want to keep it simple, you can continue to freelance on your own.

Into Mobile Business Ideas And Challenge? Try Being A Travel Photographer.

This is a very competitive niche. However, if you are good with a camera, then one way to start your own business while traveling around the world is to set yourself up as a travel photographer.

Sell your images to:

  • News agencies
  • Magazines
  • Big brand websites

And even individuals around the world who want to see our planet's beauty.

Obviously, you’ll need to invest in quality camera equipment. If you don’t already have a formal photography qualification, study to earn credentials. If you truly want to be mobile, consider these wise investments.


Wherever you go in the world, people love to be entertained, whether it be by music, dancing, painting, or something completely different. So, if you have the kinds of skills that would be in demand at parties and events, or even in the streets of Paris or Rome, you could very well start your own entertainment business.

Make money as you travel around the globe, having a lot of fun along the way too.


If you want to travel the world, then learning a new language or two would be very helpful. It could even help you to start your own successful translation business because English speakers are always in high demand for translations in most places around the globe. you will need to be able to translate accurately which means you’ll need to be pretty fluent in whatever languages you are translating to and from.

You can start out as a solo translator,  taking on more staff as demand increases, or keep it simple by doing just enough jobs to support your needs.

A Plethora Of Mobile Business Ideas

Mobile businesses are becoming commonplace. And, as you can see, there is really no shortage of mobile business ideas. The key is tapping into your individual special skills.

There are so many options for running a company on the move, many of which are in high demand, that if you are willing to work and do what it takes, success can absolutely be yours.

4 Replies

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Thank you for your positive words and for visiting my blog! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  1. Catering Equipment Gravatar

    By Catering Equipment on

    Browsing through your article on mobile business ideas felt like brainstorming with a creative friend who’s full of innovative suggestions. The diverse range of mobile business concepts, coupled with practical tips and examples, sparked my imagination and got me thinking about the endless possibilities for entrepreneurship on the go. As someone interested in starting a business with flexibility and mobility, this article provided valuable inspiration and actionable insights to kickstart my entrepreneurial journey in a dynamic and mobile world.

    Reply to Catering

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Happy you visited my blog as a step before starting your own business. We do aim to be a resource for entrepreneurs and business leaders interested in smart marketing strategy. Mobile businesses are gaining more popularity. Whether they are on wheels or via a laptop lifestyle, there are so many more options for business and career. Thank you for adding value to our conversation here, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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