The Future Of Social Media: Bonuses

Bonus Resources On The Future Of Social Media

You may have attended a webinar with our team, learned about this page at an event we attended, or something similar.  ?  Below, you will find bonus resources that relate with the future of social media that are meant to be helpful to building your awareness.

Future Of Social Media as outlined at Idea Girl Media by Keri Jaehnig, CMO

Want to be ready for the future of social media?

Then you’ll have to be aware of some history as well as the here & now…

Facebook has always paved the way – Developing and evolving our the social media landscape.  Things will likely continue with this trend in the short-term, meaning through the period of Facebook’s five and ten year plan, set in 2016.

In 2017, Facebook built upon previous advancements to bring us more:

  • Augmented reality
  • Virtual reality
  • Artificial intelligence

Tons of new toys to play with, plus a greater commitment to live video, and connecting the entire world to the internet.

Everything You Need To Know About Facebook f8 2017

They also launched the camera as the first augmented reality social platform to give us Facebook Stories.

Resources to help you create awesome Facebook Stories:

Your Quick Guide To Facebook Stories

Facebook Stories Best Practices For Business Owners

A Facebook Stories Best Practices Conversation (audio & video)

Facebook’s f8 Developer’s Conference is a big event each year, and Facebook marketers look forward to it with much anticipation.  You will find many making predictions before it occurs – Usually each May.

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media tells you how to Be A Facebook Fortune Teller We’ve prepared a special guide for you of the Facebook f8 events history.  Now you can look at what has evolved until now, and make predictions of your own to maximize opportunities for your own business growth!

Be A Facebook Fortune Teller

Who Will Hold The Future’s Moral Compass?

Businesses – especially social networks – are at a constant race to be first.  With technology releases, collaborations, and developments that will bring positive effect to their bottom lines.

We have entered a place where some technological evolutions could lead to:

  • Replacing human workers
  • Evolving quicker than supporting laws
  • Outsmarting humans

Each of the above comes with it’s own set of dangers…

Keri Jaehnig offers a live conversation about Technology's Moral Compass representing Idea Girl Media

Our team has read articles where looking into the future of what could be possible did not happen, and the consequences were alarming.  However, if we approach with a set of guidelines that consider the future before we get there, our world has a better chance of keeping a happy balance.

A live conversation about just that:

Facebook Live Conversation – Technology’s Moral Compass

Our friend, Klaudia, of GroovyPinkConsulting joins in above.

Some pre-reading for you:

Welcome To The Dark Net

A Silicon Valley Murder Mystery

Billion Dollar Crusade To Stop The A.I. Apocalypse

Elon Musk’s New Company Wants To Link Human Brains With Computers In 4 Years (actually, Facebook beat him to it)

A Few Tokens Of Gratitude

Top Twelve Tools To Make Your Facebook Easier as explained by Keri Jaehnig of Idea girl MediaFor sticking with us so far down the page, a few of our favorite Facebook marketing goodies:

How To Create A Fabulous Facebook Profile (updated for 2017)

Top 12 Tools To Make Your Facebook Easier (updated for 2017)

This is our “secret stash” …  ?

What is our future of social media?

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Have we connected on your preferred social networks yet?

We invite you to connect with our CMO, Keri Jaehnig on:






Snapchat = @ideagirlmedia

Or, connect with Idea Girl Media social profiles – Scroll up to the upper right corner of this website.

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Thank you for visiting this page…And special thanks to Sprout Social for sharing #SproutSwag at events our CMO attends.

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