Blog Category Artificial Intelligence

Exploration of ideas related to artificial intelligence – Developing news, artificial intelligence research, implementations of AI, blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, holding our leaders accountable, etc.

Posts in category 'Artificial Intelligence'

How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Your Business?

Posted 24th of August 2020 by Keri Jaehnig

How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Your Business? Taylor Ryan answers that BIG question at Idea Girl Media

By now, most business leaders have seen or heard about examples of artificial intelligence. AI can bring efficiency and savings to your business. Here are seven areas of operations to consider implementations…

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The Cold Hard Facts About The Future Of Voice Search

Posted 6th of January 2020 by Keri Jaehnig

The Cold Hard Facts About The Future Of Voice Search outlined by Christian Carere at Idea Girl Media

Congratulations on your curiosity regarding voice search, SEO and how technology affects your website rankings! This article will help you understand the tech to make best optimizing decisions going forward…

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