Tag 'business development'


The State Of Ukraine Media During The War With Russia [INTERVIEW] at Idea Girl Media

Since early 2022, the world has been privilege to Ukraine media live on news channels and social media. But not many have done Ukraine media analysis, how this affects the country, its people and the business climate. We do that for you here…

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Nine Tasks Entrepreneurs Could Outsource For Greater Productivity

Posted 18th of October 2021 by Idea Girl Media

Nine Tasks Entrepreneurs Could Outsource For Greater Productivity explained at Idea Girl Media

Is your business growing, but you’re not quite ready for entire departments of staff? Have you been hesitant to outsource? This article highlights nine duties that can be outsourced and helps you identify which areas are best for you and your brand…

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Four Ways To Implement AI In Your Business

Posted 31st of May 2021 by Idea Girl Media

Learn how to implement AI in all aspects of your business operations outlined in Idea Girl Media.

Why go manual when you can automate some operations in your business? That’s where artificial intelligence comes in. Discover where and how to implement AI in business workflows. Here are four AI implementation examples…

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