Blog Category Social Media Marketing

Social media has revolutionised the way that we live and work. It’s never been easier to find the products and services that you want. So, how as a small business can you take advantage of this new way to engage with your potential and current clients… let me show you.

Posts in category 'Social Media Marketing'

Social Media Followers Is it ALL in a Number?

Posted 1st of December 2010 by Keri Jaehnig

Endless seats in a cinema. Do your social media numbers count for anything if they are not targeted?

It’s been said by well-known users of social media that at the end of the day, those with the most friends and social media followers wins.  Which goes along with the general rules of basketball: The more you shoot the more baskets you’ll make.  The same with theatre – The more people in the audience, the louder the applause.

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