Posts in category 'B2B'

What Is A Good Company Reputation Really Built On?

Posted 6th of February 2023 by Idea Girl Media

What Is A Good Company Reputation Really Built On? This question answered at Idea Girl Media

A good company reputation is essential to success and growth. You must nurture the key components such as trustworthiness, reliability, and customer service. Here are four factors of positive reputation management to start with now…

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Ten Modern Ways Your B2B Business Can Save Money

Posted 4th of February 2023 by Idea Girl Media

Ten Modern Ways Your B2B Business Can Save Money listed and explained at Idea Girl Media

If yours is a B2B business model suffering under tough economic times or a highly competitive industry landscape, you need to maximize ROI on several fronts. This article offers ten highly effective contemporary techniques…

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Five Client Expectations Your Small Business Must Always Manage Like Houdini outlined at Idea Girl Media

You launched your company and promoted you’re open for business. You’ve even signed a few clients and working toward additional customers. Managing client expectations sometimes seems like a work of magic. Here are five steps to take every single time…

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